Hello Travelers!
Menunggu seringkali menjadi aktifitas yang paling menyebalkan, membosankan, dan sangat ingin dihindari oleh siapa saja, terutama sekali di cuaca yang ekstrim, atau di musim yang sangat sibuk. Berikut ini kami sediakan beberapa tips agar acara menunggu kamu jadi lebih menyenangkan. Selamat menunggu, eh selamat membaca! :)
1. Menunggulah Bersama Kawan
Usahakanlah untuk selalu mengantri bersama kawan. Tidak saja karena hal itu lebih aman, tapi kamu juga akan mempunyai seseorang yang bisa menjaga antrian kamu juga barang-barangmu saat kamu harus pergi ke toilet. Selain itu, mengantri pasti akan terasa lebih menyenangkan bila dilakukan bersama teman.
2. Bawa Makanan Ringan dan Minuman
Bawalah susu cokelat panas, kopi, dan makanan ringan sehat untuk menjaga energinya ketika menunggu. Jika antrian sangat panjang, bawa persediaan makanan ringan tinggi energi dan protein seperti kacang, granola bars, dan energy bars.
3. Gunakan Pakaian Berlapis
Undoubtedly, you will probably experience a range of temperatures while you wait in line from warm to cold – and a great waiting strategy is to be comfortable at all times. Dress in layers so you can remove heavy jackets or sweaters if you become too warm, and make sure you have enough layers to tolerate cold winter temperatures.
4. Gunakan Alas Kaki Yang Nyaman
Big complaints for people waiting in line range from aching legs, tired feet and sore backs. The right shoes though can make a huge difference. Wear supportive comfortable shoes that have plenty of cushion.
5. Bawa Tempat Untuk Duduk
Even if you will only be waiting an hour or so, it will be a lot more comfortable if you sit for some of that time. Save your feet for shopping, and instead bring an old blanket, towel or even a camp chair.
6. Datanglah Lebih Awal
Try to arrive as early as possible to avoid being scrunched in with crowds when the doors open. If you have a spot at the front, you can go straight in and right to the items on your list.
7. Jauhkan Kebosanan
A few little goodies can help to keep boredom at bay. Consider bringing items you may enjoy like: crossword puzzles, travel chess or checkers games, bat gammon etc.
8. Pastikan Gadget Terisi Penuh
Be sure to charge any electronics you will be bringing along during the wait – particularly your cell phone. Keep an eye on battery charge levels too so you can turn off your electronics if they start to get low.
9. Tinggalkan Anak-anak Di Rumah
Even older teens and tweens tend to quickly fade out after waiting for a short amount of time. The novelty of lining up for Christmas gifts often wears off within the first hour.
10. Perhatikan Sekelilingmu
Be safe, and pay attention to your surroundings. While most holiday shoppers waiting in line encounter no problems, there are the occasional incidences which do occur from time-to-time. So, pay attention and if you see anything out of the ordinary, don’t be afraid to alert security or call the police. Better safe than sorry.